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Completion of the 2d training module, excursion to social enterprises in Kiev

On May 31, the second module of international training in social entrepreneurship, organized by the Eastern Europe Foundation, for managers and specialists of organizations from all regions of Ukraine was completed in Kiev. This training module was attended by Oleg Velichko, the CEO of «Techno-Image» Ltd. and an expert on social responsibility of business.

The founders of the enterprises who entered the TOP of the best social enterprises of Ukraine, international social enterprises, International support programs of social entrepreneurship such as: «Teple Misto», «Gorihoviy dіm», U-open Univercity, WNISEF spoke on the training. The participants of the training visited successful examples of social enterprises in the Kiev region. At the end of the training «Social entrepreneurship as an action strategy for social activists on preventing and overcoming the effects of social and economic conflicts» its participants left with the task to form a social enterprise project that everyone plans to implement in their region.



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